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    2022關于萬圣節的小常識 關于萬圣節的英語作文

    2022-10-26 10:55:07文/崔馨月

    2022關于萬圣節的小常識:萬圣節的慶祝活動來源于每年11月1日的All Hallows Day 或All Saints Day。它原先是異教徒們紀念死者的節日,但是逐漸演變成一個紀念基督圣者的節日。

    2022關于萬圣節的小常識 關于萬圣節的英語作文


    The Halloween celebrationcomes from All Hallows Day or All Saints Day, the 1st of November. This wasoriginally a pagan festival of the dead, but later became a holiday to honorChristian saints.

    萬圣節的慶祝活動來源于每年11月1日的All Hallows Day 或All Saints Day。它原先是異教徒們紀念死者的節日,但是逐漸演變成一個紀念基督圣者的節日。

    The name Halloween comesfrom a contraction of All Hallows Eve (Evening), the day before All HallowsDay. On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try tocome back to life!

    Halloween這個詞來自于All Hallows Eve(夜晚),All Hallows Eve是All Hallows Day前一天的縮寫。人們認為在當天晚上,亡者的靈魂會重新復活!


    In the 31 October each year is traditionally the "Halloween" - Halloween. But this day the atmosphere(氣氛) was much like its name sounds like people on the "creepy." (毛骨悚然) When Halloween comes, the children will not wait to wear the colorful clothes, wearing strange masks, carrying a lantern "Jack Lamp" channeling family households, the adults ask for holiday gifts. The most well-known symbol of Halloween is what these two - fantastic "Jack Light" and "do not you eat to make trouble" prank. "Jack Light" looks very cute, practice is also very simple(簡單). Hollowed out the pumpkin(南瓜), then carve out eyes and smiling mouth, and then plug in the melon with a candle, lit it, people far away can see the smiling faces of this charmingly na?ve(憨態可掬). This is the kids favorite plaything.

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